Each “Literature in the Garden” class will be held the first Tuesday of each month at the library through October, 2024. (Classes will start again in February, 2025) Sign up for as many classes as you’d like, as each event is independent from the other. Although each class is geared toward 6 – 11 year olds, all family members are welcome to attend.
Each month the theme will focus on plants, gardens, and ecology. Each class will also include make and take garden activities, creative expression, music, and exploration. A book will be read to participants each month based on that month’s theme.
All we ask is that you RSVP before each class so we have enough chairs and materials for each person. Please let us know how many people will be attending by calling the library at 208-585-3931, use the QR code or the link when they’re posted. Thank you University of Idaho and the volunteers for leading these classes.