Here you will find out how to access thousands of recipes from around the world!
There is a part of my family that is from Norway. I am fortunate that I am not included in their traditions because fish is not my favorite dish. However, every year my mom laments about having to eat fish for Christmas dinner, instead of the traditional ham. “Lutefisk, a traditional dish of salted cod treated with lye, is a Christmas delicacy.” This is what she enjoys every year! Would you like to explore a world of food? Try out a new dish at Christmas (something my mom would really love to do, instead of Lutefisk)? Do something different with family? Pick a recipe from our new online AtoZ World Food and tell us what you think!! While you are there explore some of our other FREE online resources! We are excited to know about all the dishes from all over the world.
(Instructions below for those that like to read them).
Be sure to log into the catalog (library card number and the last 4 of your phone number)
and then scroll on down the catalog to the AtoZ World of Food
Then enjoy and share your experience with us!